I thought it was interesting, because the film highlights the all too common growing problem within failed inner city housing projects. The director succeeds in creating a black and white film of sophisticated structure.
Seems to be a "bounce-off" as Vinz said.
His friends are his adopted family.
He seems to be more at ease and more adapted to his surroundings.
He is almost a conduit for what is happening on the estate between Vinz and Hubert.
The antihero; an angry, embittered man, living with his mother and siblings
Appears devoid of purpose and directing, lacking in self-esteem
Wannabe gangster
Craving the respect of his peers and apparently willing to go to the extra mile in order to be worshipped as "urban folk hero"
Most mature one out of all of them, this is juxtaposed to the ending because he is involved with the shooting at the end
Respectful towards his family
Amateur boxer
More worldly and reflective
Understands discipline
Has a good understanding of the system and the sources of oppression he faces on a daily basis
He longs for a life of meaning
He seeks purpose