Film narrative:
Equilibrium: Is the precarious balance between the anger of youths and the repressive power of the police. The balance is only maintained through an element of self-control in each case.
Disruption to the equilibrium: Is the shooting of Abdel, the riot which ensues or the loss of the pistol which is found by Vinz. The riot is the most significant but for Hubert, Said and Vinz the pistol is more important.
Attempt to repair the equilibrium: Main part of film is certainly concerned with the escalating conflict between the youths and the police. We only see the 3 friends for most of the time and their conflict is with a range of forces representing a threat to their safety, including fascist skinheads.
New equilibrium: The shooting of Vinz and the "Mexican Standoff" between Hubert. Lack of traditional resolution- "The open ending" makes "La Haine" a progressive narrative in the scene that it draws back from a conservative resolution.
Hero: The 3 youths
Villain: Police
Princess: The quest is to secure the honour of the wounded Abdel
Hope VS Fear
Dreams VS Reality
Youth VS Maturity
Discipline VS Ignorance
Enigma Codes
Enigma codes ask questions to the demographic which a soon answered after or later on in the film. For instance, who are they? Where are they going? Why are they going? These questions enables the audience to get intrigued and wanting to find out the answers to the questions. They also help to move on the narrative.
Action Codes
Action codes are significant events which helps move the narrative on in a particular direction. For example, a phone ringing or a knock at the door. Both actions are used to change the scene/narrative for specific reason but to also keep the narrative alive. They teach the audience new things, for example, something new about a character or possibly the plot itself. They give the audience needed information.
Enigma codes:
• Who are the youths?
• Why does Vinz have a pistol?
• Why is Abdul killed?
• Why is there so much conflict between the police and the society?
• Why has society crumbled so much?
Action codes:
• Abdul is critical in hospital
• Society is crumbling
• Relationships in society have crumbled
• There is no hope left in society
• Vinz has the pistol
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